Dominik Kaaser portfolio, projects, and weblog

Finished PhD Studies

26 January 2017

Today, I defended my PhD Thesis at the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg. My thesis is available online, as well as the presentation slides which I used during the defense.

It has been an amazing time, thank you very much!

Submitted PhD Thesis

14 November 2016

Earlier today, I submitted my PhD Thesis to the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Salzburg.

I-Day 2015

04 February 2015

February 4th — open house at the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg!

I held short presentations about epidemic processes in social networks and high performance computing, targeted at pupils aged 15 to 19.

Web Page I-Day 2015

Folder I-Day 2015

Summer School in Vancouver, August 2014

20 August 2014

A few impressions from Vancouver, August 2014, where I attended the Summer School on Randomized Techniques for Combinatorial Algorithms.


Panorama Vancouver from the yacht harbour

Panorama Vancouver from the yacht harbour

Panorama Vancouver from the harbour

Panorama Vancouver from the harbour

Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University

Panorama Simon Fraser University

Panorama Simon Fraser University

Hiking up the Grouse Grind

Walking up the Grouse Grind

View from Burnaby Mountain

Warning: Bear Sightings in this area!

Warning: Bear sightings!

Warning: Bear sightings!

Please do not throw food away!

A family of raccoons roaming free at the Simon Fraser University.


The Flight Back

Flight back

Finished Master’s Studies

20 August 2012

In the summer of 2012 I finished my master’s thesis and closed my master’s studies. The thesis can be obtained from my download server along with a short presentation. Selected publications including work based on my master’s thesis are listed on my research page. Having finished my studies, I now work at the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg where I got a job as PhD-Student in the research group of Robert Elsässer. Currently I focus on the analysis of randomized algorithms.

Zwang zu Google Apps für universitären E-Mail Verkehr

20 December 2010

Ich wurde gezwungen, für meine universitären Belange eine E-Mail-Lösung von Google (“Google Apps Educational Edition”) zu verwenden. Die datenschutzrechtliche Problematik liegt auf der Hand, vorallem da somit an Google sämtliche Informationen wie Lehrveranstaltungsan- und abmeldung, Prüfungsergebnisse, etc. übermittelt werden.
Google weiß nun nicht mehr bloß, dass ich existiere, sondern auch in welchen Lehrveranstaltungen ich welche Noten erhalten habe. Ganz zu schweigen davon, dass es durchaus denk bar ist, dass insbesondere bei uns am Fachbereich Computerwissenschaften Technologien erforscht und realisiert werden, die in direkter Konkurrenz zu Google-Produkten stehen.
Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der Problematik gibt es unter folgender Adresse:


07 May 2008

Pseudo-Konvex lt. Vorlesung “Algorithmische Geometrie”

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