Dominik Kaaser portfolio, projects, and weblog


14 August 2012

Earlier this month I published the tool “FontRenderer” (see project’s page) on the Google Code platform,

FontRenderer converts a text to polygonal data in “.line” format using the outline of a specified font. Feel free to download a copy at Note, that the actual output generated depends on the font file used, and thus the simplicity is neither guaranteed nor checked. So far I can tell that simplicity can be assumed for high-quality-fonts. Additionally, Binaries for Windows (32 Bit) are provided at above location.
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GCHQ Challenge

06 December 2011

Zum Lösen der 2. Stufe der GCHQ Challenge haben wir die notwendige VM (in JavaScript) implementiert:
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Create tar archives with PHP

24 November 2011

My own tar implementation has recently been completed, written in PHP and basically defining a simple interface for adding files and folders. My implementation provides classes to pack a bunch of files or even complete folders into an archive which then is printed to stdout, i.e., in the context of a web application downloaded by the user.

The code can be obtained from my projects page.

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