Dominik Kaaser portfolio, projects, and weblog

Java Collections Framework

30 April 2014

Today I held a presentation about the Java Collections Framework at the lecture “Algorithms and Datastructures”. The slides supporting my talk available online at my download section.

Talk at the International CAD Conference and Exhibition (CAD’13)

18 June 2013

Today, I presented my Master’s Thesis at the 10th International CAD Conference and Exhibition (CAD’13).

Finished Master’s Studies

20 August 2012

In the summer of 2012 I finished my master’s thesis and closed my master’s studies. The thesis can be obtained from my download server along with a short presentation. Selected publications including work based on my master’s thesis are listed on my research page. Having finished my studies, I now work at the Department of Computer Sciences at the University of Salzburg where I got a job as PhD-Student in the research group of Robert Elsässer. Currently I focus on the analysis of randomized algorithms.

G2 Continuous Approximation (Screenshot)

27 May 2011

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