Dominik Kaaser portfolio, projects, and weblog

Summer School in Vancouver, August 2014

20 August 2014

A few impressions from Vancouver, August 2014, where I attended the Summer School on Randomized Techniques for Combinatorial Algorithms.


Panorama Vancouver from the yacht harbour

Panorama Vancouver from the yacht harbour

Panorama Vancouver from the harbour

Panorama Vancouver from the harbour

Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University

Simon Fraser University

Panorama Simon Fraser University

Panorama Simon Fraser University

Hiking up the Grouse Grind

Walking up the Grouse Grind

View from Burnaby Mountain

Warning: Bear Sightings in this area!

Warning: Bear sightings!

Warning: Bear sightings!

Please do not throw food away!

A family of raccoons roaming free at the Simon Fraser University.


The Flight Back

Flight back

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